Alternative Number troubleshooting

In this article, you will learn how to troubleshoot any potential issues with your Alternative Number.

To proceed, you will need an active Surfshark VPN subscription and an in-app Alternative Number subscription. Visit our pricing page to purchase a Surfshark subscription.

We will cover the following questions:

  1. Why am I not receiving text messages?
  2. Why can't I reply to text messages?
  3. How long does it take for a text message to arrive?
  4. Alternative Number inactive after purchasing it


Why am I not receiving text messages?

There might be cases where you don’t receive messages using the Alternative Number feature. This might happen due to several reasons:

  • Some operators may not work in specific countries.
  • Some websites and platforms do not support virtual numbers.
  • Verification code messages are not supported.
  • Spam filtering processes.
  • Service outages.


Why can't I reply to text messages?

In some cases, you may not be able to reply to text messages for the following reasons:

  • You cannot reply to shortcodespremium numbersinternational numbers, and numbers without digits.
  • Surfshark limits the number of SMS messages sent through Alternative Number to prevent abuse.
  • Surfshark supports the ability to reply to US phone numbers only.


How long does it take for a text message to arrive?

A text message arrives in mere seconds, and, in rare cases, may take up to a few minutes. Please make sure that you are not offline and have a stable connection.


Alternative Number inactive after purchasing it

This issue can occur when the app is not synchronized with your recent purchase. To resolve this, reboot the Surfshark app.

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